Tuesday, March 24, 2009

carpe diem

i do agree with carpe Diem because the way i look at life you never know when your going to die.Its all so a good way to look at life because some people feel like they have no reason to live.it makes senc because in this time in age they look like they were very happy and they didn't have to think about what was going to happen tomorrow.an exmple wuld be if you had money you could just spend it because you dont know what tommorrow will hold.another one would be if you had a family member was about to move. you wouldnt want to think about the move you would just want to have fun with them.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

i work very good with phones . it told me that i was very up to date on new phones . ima not the type of person that realy just trys to get every phone that comes out if i get it its new. that abvout it i jus know a lilttle about phones

what i think they missed

to be truthful person because people will have more respect for you. you would make people look up to you and want to be friends with you. you would have a better out look on life over all.

study habits

i think what i need to work on is my study habits . once i get goood study habits i dont think its any thing i cannt do. this would help me more in life because i kno ill make good grades . it also would help me when ima looking for a job because i would be able to do more then if i didnt study. it would make my family happy to see me doing good and it would help me know i can do anything i put my mind to. so that why i think i should work on my study habits.


i think people more regligons to show their belifs. also to give them a central way to live. back in the day they had many gods to help them understand the world. the had gods for the sun the moon the water ect. this realy help them get a nice way of living so they could be like real people and not aniamls . now adays we have many religions because people from all over the would come and stay in the us. i think the reson they made religions was to show you how people live all over the world.